Solidarity with the Ukrainian people

On Thursday, February 24, the world was shocked by Russia’s military attack upon Ukraine. Since then, Putin’s Russia has waged outright war there. Europe is more united than ever in the face of this offensive; new and heavier sanctions are being imposed. In Ukraine itself, families flee as best they can or remain to bravely resist the enemy. Our indignation rises at such an atrocity in the year of 2022. We must show our solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

Our weapon is culture, and especially cinema. That is why we invite you to the screening of the film Atlantis by the Ukrainian filmmaker Valentyn Vasyanovych.
A post-apocalyptic work strangely echoing the terrifying events of today.
In Atlantis, Russian troops have already left the field, but the land is no longer inhabitable. It’s a very dark idea : people have died for a place that has literally become a swamp.” Valentyn Vasyanovych

Atlantis (2019, 1h46) won the Venice Horizons Award for Best Film at the 2019 Venice Film Festival and the Crystal Arrow for Best Narrative Feature at the 2019 Les Arcs European Film Festival. The film has almost never been shown in France.


Event in partnership with Le Reflet Médicis, Paris; Les Arcs Film Festival; and Le Festival La Rochelle Cinéma; and in collaboration with other cinemas throughout France: Le Concorde, La Roche-sur-Yon – Le Cinématographe, Nantes – La Coursive, La Rochelle – Le Jacques Tati, Saint-Nazaire – Le Beaulieu, Bouguenais – Cinéma Pax, Le Pouliguen – Bonne Garde, Nantes – Cinéma Atlantic, La Turballe – Cinéma Saint-Michel-Chef-ChefCinéma Saint-Joseph, Sainte-Marie-sur-MerCinéma Jeanne d’Arc, Saint-Mars-la-Jaille – Cinéma Lutétia, Saint-Herblain – Le Vaillant, Vertou.